THE RUMORS ARE TRUE: LITTLE FRIENDS HAVE MADE A BOOK! It's very good, and YOU SHOULD BUY ONE! How do I know? Well, you're here at our website, reading this blurb (nobody's twisting your arm, I presume) so I'd guess you're a fan of our particular brand of brightly-colored visual nonsense: prints brimming with arcane details and cute animal characters. STUDIO is a beautiful hardbound book full of stuff like that! If you loved our "PRINT SHOP" print (see below), imagine a book with not just a print studio, but a painting studio, a music studio, a ceramics studio, and so on! But why imagine it? It already exists, and you can buy it right here! Based on a beautiful song by beloved children's entertainer Emily Arrow, with story and pictures by the Little Friends. What are you waiting for? ......$17.99
Do you like music? Do you like cats? You can see where I'm going here, right? Here's a pin with a cute li'l record-collecting cat on it, which you can wear on your person! These blurbs just write themselves sometimes.
[1.1" x 1.5"] ......$10
PRINT SHOP silkscreen print:
HEY GUYS! Our newest print is a printmaking studio overflowing with activity and happy little printmakers. (Sure, they're happy now, but this scene will look a lot crabbier if they're still printing after 1:00am. I speak from experience!) Based in part on an illustration from our upcoming childrens' book about artists' studios, the very imaginatively-titled STUDIO, this one is a must-get! It sold out at the L.A. Printers Fair, but we wouldn't leave you hanging like that! Get one!
[18" x 24"] ......$20
BLACK CAT silkscreen print:
SOLD OUT AT COMIC-CON! We're bringing this design back on bright, white paper for the general public, to show off more of that crazy underprinting. Spooky or adorable? I guess it depends on if you're a cat owner. Either way, there's a lot to enjoy here, so JUMP ON IT!
[18" x 24"] ......$20
LOVE RECORDS silkscreen print
WOW! The latest installment in our "Sugar Shack" series, This new print is A RIOT of color and absolutely PACKED with fun record store imagery and fun, weird characters! These sold out at SDCC, but we're printing more RIGHT NOW! Get one! [18" x 24"] ......$20